RegSmart complements your existing BSA system.
RegSmart saves you money and increases compliance in mission-critical areas.
Looks at your BSA systems though a microscope with the specific goal of strict compliance with regulatory requirements. RegSmart-BSA Risk & Review, is a complete risk assessment and annual review or audit that fully complies with the requirements of the FFIEC BSA Examination Manual.
RegSmart is not...
An Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) or a Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC) System. ERMs and GRCs tend to look at risks to the institution through binoculars—a valuable tool when judging holistic risk in all areas of the institution.
Produces a comprehensive, FFIEC-compliant BSA Risk Assessment covering locations, products, services, customers, turnover, training, and BSA compliance administration. It provides a fully integrated BSA Annual Audit covering the 14 critical BSA areas (including, CIP, eBanking, EDD & CDD, Special Measures, and OFAC) with extensive help and best practices advice.
RegSmart is not...
BSA Transaction Monitoring. BSA Transaction Monitoring Systems are critical tools in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing and an important part of your institution’s regulatory compliance.
Transaction Monitoring systems do not provide regulatory-required BSA risk assessments or annual audits. They do not analyze every product, service, customer profile, and location by first analyzing the inherent risk of each (based on regulatory guidance) and then documenting mitigating controls for regulatory inspection and approval. They do not review policies and procedures around the institution’s 14 critical BSA compliance areas including governance, e-banking, OFAC, private banking, correspondent banking, CIP, CDD and EDD. They do not test compliance with policies and procedures and create plain language reports about the strengths and weaknesses of the institution’s implementation of its critical anti-money laundering and terrorist financing policies, procedures, processes, and controls.